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Note that a retesting with Cypress for all the quality measures for which we were certified was completed and the following is a summary of the results. Since this project is done completely by volunteers and a critical volunteer developer was lost to the project, we do not anticipate being able to recertify these measures unless additional resources can be found/provided. *C3 (QRDA CAT1) Export:* *Measures Passed:* CMS71v13, CMS72v12, CMS104v12, CMS108v12, CMS190v12, *C2 + C3 (QRDA CAT3) Export: *Measures Passed:* CMS2v13, CMS22v12, CMS68v13, CMS69v12, CMS71v13, CMS72v12, CMS74v13, CMS75v12, CMS90v13, CMS104v12, CMS108v12, CMS117v12, CMS122v12, CMS124v12, CMS125v12, CMS129v13, CMS130v12, CMS131v12, CMS133v12, CMS135v12, CMS137v12, CMS138v12, CMS142v12, CMS143v12, CMS144v12, CMS145v12, CMS146v12, CMS149v12, CMS153v12, CMS155v12, CMS156v12, CMS157v12, CMS159v12, CMS165v12, CMS177v12, CMS190v12, CMS249v6, CMS349v6, CMS645v7 *Measures Failed:* CMS50v12, CMS56v12, CMS128v12, CMS136v13, CMS139v12, CMS154v12(failed c2/passed C30, CMS347v7

Page Real World Testing Plans and Results
File Real World Testing Results 20240201
File Real World Testing Plans and Results 20231107 Final
File Real World Testing Plan 20241111 Final
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