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33rd VistA Community Meeting

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  • VistA Community Meeting
When May 23, 2016 08:00 AM to
May 25, 2016 05:00 PM
Where George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
Contact Name
Contact Phone (240) 793-7436 ; 240-246-0123
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Co-Hosted by

GMU Center for Discovery Science and Health Informatics


College of Health and Human Services

"Connecting the VistA Community"


For Information about the HACKING  GT.M COURSE before the meeting, May 20-22 - CLICK HERE


            DSS May 20 2014




Hotel Name Address Phone Transportation Notes
Comfort Inn University Center
11180 Fairfax Blvd.
Fairfax, Virginia  22030
(703) 591-5900
Free Shuttle to GMU and Metro.
CUE bus (not free) route also includes GMU campus and Metro.
Ask for "VistA Community Meeting - GMU" rate of $89 per night.  Cutoff is May 6, and the regular rate after that is $169, so please register early!  Free Internet & WiFi. Free Continental Breakfast included.  For now call the hotel and ask for the VistA Community Meeting rate.  During business hours, if you have problems registering, ask to speak with Elijah Hammonds. 

Travel from the Airports and to George Mason University from the Comfort Inn

From BWI: you can take Marc or Amtrac to Union Station or you can take the Metrobus route B30 express service between Metrorail's Greenbelt Station and BWI Airport.  Once you get to the Metro, you take that to Vienna.  There is more information about that below.  Full fare for a one-way trip on the bus is $7.00. See Metro's B30 Time table and other information here: Brochure and Schedule

From Ronald Regan/Washington National Airport: The Ronald Regan National Airport has a Metro station.  Take the Metro to the Vienna Metro Station at the end of the Orange Line.

From Dulles Airport, take the Silver Line Express Bus to the new Silver Line Weihle-Reston East Metro station.  The fare is $5 (each way).  From there, switch at the East Falls Church Metro Station and  take the orange line to the Vienna Station. The bus schedule is here: .

More information about travel to and from the airports can be found here:

The Vienna Metro Station is on the Orange Line. At the Vienna Metro station there are taxi stands; if no taxi, call 703-883-0199 (Fairfax Yellow Cab-North side of station) or 703-943-4444 (Red Top Cab.)  There is also the Gold 2 Cue bus that stops on the Germantown Road side of the parking lot for Comfort Inn.  The schedule for that is here:  This same bus goes to George Mason University and stops at Shenandoah  River`Parking Deck, #42 on the map, which is about a 1/4 mile walk to the Hub, which is where the meeting is held, along Chesapeake River Lane.  The fare is $1.75.

Use the map to get from there  to meeting which will be held in The Hub (the old Student Union II) , which is #56 on the map.  

Driving: Should you decide to drive, the Shenandoah (formerly Sandy Creek) Parking Deck  (#43 in purple on the maps) is the most convenient to the meeting.  The meeting is on the top floor of the "The Hub" (formerly Student Union II where we met in 2011) , which is #56 in red on the maps.    Parking is $14 a day at any of the garages on campus BUT you may need to have a special permit to be able to use some of those garages.  However, the Shenandoah Parking Deck has guest parking on the lower lever.  The address of The Hub is 10423 Rivianna River Lane,  Fairfax VA 22030 on Google Maps.  The entrance to the Shenandoah Parking Deck is the first driveway on the left off of Sandy Creek Way, which is a short road off of Patriot Circle and it is behind The Hub.  From the garage, cross Sandy Creek Way and follow the footpath over the stream to the back of The Hub.  Take the back entrance into the the bottom floor of The Hub.  Take the elevator or the wide staircase up to the top floor which is the third floor to get to the meeting.  There is an information desk in the lobby of The Hub.  The telephone number for it is 703-993-2859 in case you get lost on the way.

Hotel Shuttle to GMU: If you are going to be staying in the Comfort Inn, you can take the Gold Cue 2 Bus from the North Side of the Vienna Metro Station for $1.75 cash (exact change only) or with a SmartTrip card.  There is shuttle bus service from the hotel to the campus so you could also take the shuttle and then call the hotel for pickup from the campus, (703) 591-5900. Schedule a ride and reserve a seat on the shuttle at the Comfort Inn front desk.  On the weekends, the shuttle does not run so we will have to organize transportation among ourselves to the training meeting (which will likely not be difficult) or take the bus that stops near the Hotel on the Germantown Road between the Hotel and the super market and stops on the campus.  That is the Gold 2 Cue Bus and information about that route is here:
 It stops at the Shenandoah River Parking Deck which is #42 on the campus map and there is about a 1/4 mile walk along Chesapeake River Lane to the Hub building where the meeting is, which is # 56 on the campus map.

About the VistA Community Meeting

The goal of VistA Community Meetings is for those involved in the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community forward. 

Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured.  The agenda is always a "living" agenda, because attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to  better meet their objectives. VistA Community Meetings were originally almost exclusively technical meetings.  Over time, the balance shifted, so that although there are technical presentations, there are more discussions on other aspects, including implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and community collaboration.

Seong Ki Mun, PhD, President & CEO, OSEHRA
Stephen Oxley, MD, CMO Central Regional Hospital, North Carolina
Reaching HIMSS Level 6 at CRH
Olivier Bodenreider, MD, PhD, Chief of the Cognitive Science Branch, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, NLM
RxNorm and More  *Tuesday
Wayne Kaniewski - Treasurer WorldVistA and CEO, Owner - Twin Cities EMR

Dragon Medical in VistA-CPRS - vendor

Jason Hawsey, CPRS Developer, Department of Veterans Affairs
CPRS Update *2-4PM
Chris Rhodes, Director, Open Source Management,
Strategic Investment Management (SIM), Office of Informatics & Analytics (OIA), Department of Veterans Affairs
Update on Code Intake
Dr. P.J. Maddox, Professor and Chair Department of Health Admin. and Policy, George Mason University
Health Policy Update
Dan Cramer, Terminology Analyst, Mantech Mission Solutions & Services Group
Lexicon Update
Donna Ellis, Program Manager, Pharmacy Re-Engineering Pharmacy Re-engineering Update * Tuesday
Ross Fletcher, Chief of Staff, Washington DC VA Medical Center
 Demo of what is new in VistA *Monday

KS Bhaskar, FIS,  Development Director
GT.M Update

Lee Hirz, BA, BBA, MS - MUMPS, VistA, CPRS Developer

Current directions in the VA's Office of Information Technology in regards to managing and support of the the VA EHR  from the stand point of a long time MUMPS/VistA programmer

Guy Esten, *Director, Portfolio Management & Open Source Initiatives, Apex Data Solutions, LLC

Vista js  *Wednesday AM
Bob Calco, Apex Data Solutions, LLC Vista js  *Wednesday AM
Richard D Boyce, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Faculty, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing Faculty, Geriatric Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Gero-Informatics Research and Training Program, University of Pittsburgh
Expected title something like: Comparing Open source drug database interactions and enhancing drug interaction reports to make them more clinically useful. *Tuesday likely
Jim Bell
Open Source GUI Registration
Wasim Naffar, Technical Team Leader, EHS. Jordan
EWD empowers Jordan
Ramie Al-Hamad, Support Software Manager, EHS, Jordan
Hakeem's CAT
Anthony Puleo, CPRS and Remindeers Developer, VA
Reminders Update - * Monday
Alan Montogomery, National Support, Reminders, VA
Reminders Update - Monday
Sam Habiel, Director of Technology, VistA Expertise Network
Victory Programming Environment (VPE) Updates, CS Tools (vendor)
Shane McNamee MD, Director, Development Section, Health Solutions Management, OIA,
Veterans Health Administration
eHMP Update * Wednesday
Keith Magoon - VIMM Project Manager, DVA

VIMM (Immunization Project Update), VIP - Changes in VA Project Management for the VA, Challenges and Rewards of the VA - Open Source Community Collaboration for VIMM from the point of view of a VA Project Manager

Nancy Van Ness, Translator, French Open Source Drug Database
Translation of the French drug interaction pdf documents from the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et
des  produits de santé into English and encoded the drugs with RxNorm and ADC codes
George Lilly, CIO WorldVistA and Director, VEN
Transformation of the English Translation of the French Drug Interactions into a computable Format
Rob Tweed - M Gateway
EWD New Developments
Chris Richardson - VP WorldVistA
Fabian Lopez, , PMP, CSM, Project Manager, DSS
 xVistA  Pre-Release (exclusive for VCM) update
Eddie Brio - vxVistA Product and Portfolio Manager, DSS
xVistA  Pre-Release (exclusive for VCM) update


Day 1 Monday, May 23, 2016

Time Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub
(Former Student Union II)
Room 4 & 5, Top Floor, The Hub
Room 1 & 2 Top Floor, The Hub
08:00 Introductions - Who, Why & Success

Since networking and collaboration are the most
important goals of VistA Community Meetings, an important activity at VistA Community Meetings
s for all attendees to introduce themselves. 
Each of us will take a maximum of 60 seconds
to tell the group.  This is also an opportunity
to ask for a session to be added that would
help meet your needs:
  • Who I am and what organization(s) I am associated with.
  • What my interest in VistA is.
  • What would make the meeting a success for me.

08:45 OSEHRA Update - Seong Ki Mun

09:30 Health Policy Update - PJ Maddox

10:15 Break -  Sponsored By FIS-GT.M
GT.M Update - KS Bhaskar

New Uses for VistA - Ross Fletcher

12:00 Lunch - Sponsored by FIS-GTM
13:15 VIMM (Immunization Project Update), VIP - Changes in VA Project Management for the VA,
Challenges and Rewards of the VA - Open Source Community Collaboration for VIMM
from the point of view of a VA Project Manager - Keith Magoon *

14:00 CPRS Update - Jason Hawsey with VIMM GUI progress *

Break - Sponsored by FIS-GTM
15:00 Reminders Update - Alan Montgomery *

Reminders, CPRS VIMM, Pottential Reminder Dialog Enhancements - Anthony Puleo * 1 hour

Current directions in the VA's Office of Information Technology in regards to managing and
support of the the VA EHR  from the stand point of a long time MUMPS/VistA programmer  - Lee Hirz

Day 2 Tuesday, May 24, 2015

Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub
(Former Student Union II)
. Room 4 &5 - The Hub
New Arrival Introductions

Code Intake Program Update - Chris Rhodes

Open Source Drug Interactions for VistA (maybe)  - Sam Habiel

Break - Sponsored by DSS

RxNorm - Olivier Bodenreider *
1-774-220-4000   123876#
We will not be destk-top sharing.

Open Source Drug Database Analysis - Richard Boyce *
1-774-220-4000   123876#
We will not be destk-top sharing.

11:30 French Drug Interactions and Web Service for Open Source Drug Interactions
- Nancy Van Ness, and George Lilly *
1-774-220-4000   123876#
We will not be destk-top sharing.

Lunch - Sponsored by DSS
EWD Update - Rob Tweed
1-774-220-4000  123876#

Dragon Medical in VistA-CPRS - Wayne Keniewski (vendor)

Pharmacy Re-Engineering Update - Donna Ellis
1-855-767-1051  78542462

Break Break
15:00 Lexicon Update - Dan Kramer, Kim Rowe, Jeff Udell, Andrew Bakke
Alan Arnold., Seth ?,
et al *
1-855-767-1051  51337800

15:45 Reaching HIMSS Level 6 at CRH - Steve Oxley

16:30 Code Intake Program Continued - Chris Rhodes
Brainstorming with the Open Source Community  - Rafael Richards

Day 3 Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Time Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub
(Former Student Union II)
Room 4 & 5 - The Hub
Vista js - Guy Esten & Bob Calco

08:45 EWD empowers Jordan - Wasim Naffir
Ramie Al-Hamad - Hakeem's CAT

09:30 Break

VxVistA New Release - Fabian Lopez and Eddie Brio

Technical Challenges of Implementing VistA Pharmacy at
Central Regional Hospital - Dave Whitten
CS Tools - Using FirstDatabank with VistA - alternative to MOCHA - Sam Habiel (vendor)

Introduction to Fileman - Dave Whitten

Lunch - Sponsored by
13:00 VIMM Immunization Project Update - Robert Silverman *
    1-855-767-1051    x8117084

14:00 eHMP Update - Register for the Update here.  The VCM
presentation was canceled because of inadvertent miscommunication..




ENIGMA - Chris Richardson Open source scanning program - Jerry Kashtan

STORM Code discussion * with the Innovations Team *
The STORM Score is used assess the risk of an Opioid Overdose
1-855-767-1051   37121517

Legend: * time constraints