39th VistA Community Meeting
What |
When |
Oct 22, 2021 09:00 AM
to Oct 24, 2021 07:00 PM |
Where | Virtual Meeting - See Schedule for Link |
Contact Name | Nancy Anthracite |
Contact Phone | (240) 793-7436 ; 240-246-0123 |
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"Connecting the VistA Community "
The goal of VistA Community Meetings is for those involved in the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community forward.
Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured. The agenda is always a "living" agenda, because attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to better meet their objectives. VistA Community Meetings were originally almost exclusively technical meetings. Over time, the balance shifted, so that although there are technical presentations, there are more discussions on other aspects, including implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and community collaboration.
SpeakersSpeaker |
Topic / Link To Presentation |
Dylan Hall, Mitre Corporation | Synthea Project including COVID upgrade |
Peggy Maddox, GMU | Policy Update * Friday afternoon |
KS Bhaskar |
YottaDB UPdate + YottaDB AIM – Application Independent Metadata *Saturday AM or Friday |
Sam Habiel, YottaDB |
Jason Hawsey, VA Developer ==> CPRS Project Manager |
CPRS Update - ^Weekend |
Linda Yaw, VistA Expertise Network | VA PALS * Saturday or Sunday afternoon |
George Lilly, WorldVistA and VistA Expertise Network | VA PALS |
Matthew King, CMIO, Central Regional Hospital, NC |
CRH PDMP; CRH Solr Project for notes text searching *45 min wih Ray CRH HIE - Using Taxonomy Structures to define CCDA Sections and for Clinical Notes Submission (plus mapping health factors *with Ray 45 min) How to Use the Clinical Dashboard and Self-Expiring Orders to Track Patient Location *45 min (Matt alone, first presenter) |
Raymond Subasic, VistA Technical Manager,CRH |
CRH PDMP; CRH Solr Project for notes text searching *45 min with Matt CRH HIE - Using Taxonomy Structures to define CCDA Sections and for Clinical Notes Submission (plus mapping health factors *with Matt 45 min after HTML) |
LaRhonda Harris, Clinical Applications Coordinator, CRH |
Automated Custom Patient Lists with Adrian Brown and Practical Use of Branching Logic in Clinical Templates; Count function CRH Clinical Scoring Tools * Saturday Midday prior to HIE talk *45 min |
Adrian Brown, Nurse Consultant, Clinical Informatics, CRH |
Text Formatting for HTML Views with LaRhonda Harris Patient Lists and Branching Logic; CRH Clinical Scoring Tools * 45 min * Saturday Midday prior to HIE talk |
Chris Combs, Business and Technical Applications Analyst, CRH |
Nursing Shift Report using OCTO * After OCTO Presentation and anytime except Sunday AM *45 min |
Lori Emory, Clinical Informatics Specialist Manager CRH |
Nursing Shift Report using OCTO * After OCTO Presentation and anytime except Sunday AM *45 min |
Robert Silverman, Associate Chief Consultant, PBM Clinical Informatics EHRM Pharmacy Operations Program Office, VA |
VistA Rx Renewal Requests via Progress Note and Additional/Identified Signer Alerts * Friday Afternoon |
Roger Baker, former VA CIO |
Remarks TBD - Not on Oct 22 |
George Timson, "Mother of Fileman" |
A Child at Play * Friday or Saturday Afternoon |
Daryl Cherctoff , HLN Consulting |
ICE, Open Source Immunization forecasting including at the Indian Health Service |
Peter Li, formerly of OSEHRA |
popHealth |
Patrick Redington, Reminders Developer, VA |
Reminders update |
Douglas Martin, U of Utah |
SMART on FHIR and CDS Hooks integration with CPRS * Weekend |
Oliivier Bodenreider, NLM |
Update on RxNorm and RxNorm APIs * Sat or Sunday AM OK |
?TBA |
Tour of Web Assets for VistA users |
Joseph Dal Molin, Chairman, WorldVistA |
World Wide View for Open Source VistA |
? Paul Tibbits, Executive Director Office of Technical Integration OI&T |
Kyu Kim, Developer | popHealth |
Raju Naga, Alabama Dept. of Health | popHealth |
Jillian Doss-Walker, CDC | Immunization Forecasting Using ICE at the Indian Health Service |
Suryam Palanki, IHS | Immunization Forecasting Using ICE at the Indian Health Service |
Howard Hays, CMIO, IHS | IHS HIT Modernization Update |
Rafael Richards, Dept. of Veterans Affairs | Leveraging the AWS Cloud to provide CPRS from any Device and Provide Security for RPCs |
Rajashree Patel, Dept. of Veterans Affairs |
eScreening |
Noam Artz, HLN Consulting |
ICE Immunization Forecasting for IHS |
Rafi Farchi, half retired from Zim israel IT and Rafael IT | M2SQL *early - time zone difference |
Legend: * time constraints |
Virtual Meeting Agenda