40th VistA Community Meeting
What |
When |
Sep 30, 2022 08:00 AM
to Oct 02, 2022 06:00 PM |
Where | Virtual Meeting - See Schedule for Link |
Contact Name | Nancy Anthracite |
Contact Phone | (240) 793-7436 (cell); 240-246-0123 |
Add event to calendar |
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"Connecting the VistA Community "

The goal of VistA Community Meetings is for those involved in the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community forward.
Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured. The agenda is always a "living" agenda, because attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to better meet their objectives. VistA Community Meetings were originally almost exclusively technical meetings. Over time, the balance shifted, so that although there are technical presentations, there are more discussions on other aspects, including implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and community collaboration.
SpeakersGeorge Timson, "Mother of Fileman" |
These Few Precepts * late afternoon, any day, not more than 30 minutes |
Roger Baker, Former VA CIO |
What is the VA Thinking? * FRIDAY |
Robert Silverman, Associate Chief Consultant, PBMCI, Dept. of VA |
VistA to Cerner Pharmacy Data Migration *1,3 or 4 Eastern Fri |
Brian Martin, Mitre |
Test-Driven Development with Synthea |
Olivier Bodenreider, Senior Scientist and Acting Director, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications |
RxNorm update * Sunday |
Kevin Toppenberg, VistA Developer and family physician, Greenville, Tennessee |
CPRS enhancements, Lab Interfaces and KIDS installer * Sunday |
Omar Ayesh, CEO, EHS, Jordan |
Update for EHS Hakeem and new functionality * Sat or Sun |
KS Bhaskar, President YottaDB |
YottaDB Update * in the morning |
Sam Habiel, YottaDB |
Octo update, YottaDB Dashboard and VEHU Docker Image |
Ken Rikard, Director of Health Legacy Products and EHRM Transition** CANCELLED DUE TO THE HURRICANE** |
VistA in the VA * 11AM September 30 |
David Whitten, CTO WorldVistA |
Best Practices for making changes to VistA for non-VA users; Vivian; Maybe how to use VistAPedia |
Yazeed Al-Smadi, Senior System Administrator, EHS, Jordan |
VistA DevOps and System Auto Healing |
Matthew King, CMIO Central Regional Hospital |
Central Regional Hospital Open Source Release: Changes Made to CPRS to Support an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Central Regional Hospital Open Source Release: Complementary Applications to Support an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital |
Joe Thurber, Developer, Central Regional Hospital |
Central Regional Hospital Open Source Release: Changes Made to CPRS to Support an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Central Regional Hospital Open Source Release: Complementary Applications to Support an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital |
Kevin Meldrum, Salt Lake OFIO, Dept. of VA |
Instrument Exchange Editor * Friday Afternoon |
Alan Montgomery, Reminders Team |
Update on New Functionality in Clinical Reminders * FRIDAY |
Rob Tweed, M-Gateway |
M-Gateway Update |
William Thompson, VA |
CPRS Update - 4:30 Friday or 9:30 AM Sat |
Rajashree Patel, VA |
eScreening * Friday or Sunday around noon |
Chris Richardson, WorldVistA |
Holographic Electronic Health Record and the Belly of the FHIR |
Howard Hays, CMIO, IHS |
IHS Update |
Marci Keiser, EHR Program Director |
On Your Own or Hire It Out |
Legend: * time constraints |
Virtual Meeting Agenda
Day 1 "Main Room" Friday, September 30, 2022, Eastern Time |
Day 1 "Second Room and CHAT Room" Friday, September 30, 2022, Eastern Time |
Eastern Time UT-4 |
GoToMeeting Remote Connection Information for main room:
GoToMeeting Main Room United States +1(640)749-3122 Access Code 530-169-149
ZOOM Remote Connection Information for Auxillary Room
This room will be available for CHATTING when presentations are not being given.Join Zoom Meeting Check back here right before the meeting |
EDT UT-4 |
GoToMeeting with Meeting ID 530-169-149
Room available for CHAT when not being used for presentations. See above. |
9:00 AM EDT UT-4 |
Introductions of Attendees video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMInitialIntroductionsFriday20220930.mp4 |
9:45 AM EDT |
YottaDB Update - KS Bhaskar slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/220928-1YottaDBUpdate.pdf video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMYottaDBUpdate-KSBhaskarFriday20220930.mp4 |
10:30 AM EDT |
Break sponsored by Yotta DB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMMoreIntroductions1-20220930.mp4 |
11:00 AM ET |
Vivian - Dave Whitten video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMVivian-DavidWhittenFriday20220930.mp4 |
12:00 PM ET |
Lunch - Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut - 30-45 video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMMoreIntroductions2-Friday20220930.mp4 |
12:30 EDT |
YottaDB Dashboard - Sam Habiel video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMYottaDBDashboard-SamHabiel-Friday20220930.mp4 |
1:15 PM EDT |
Migrating Pharmacy Data from VistA to Cerner - Robert Silverman slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-VistAToCernerDataMigration.pdf video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMMigratingPharmacyDataFromVistAToCerner-RobertSilverman-Friday20220930.mp4 |
2:00 PM EDT |
Instrument Exchange Editor - Kevin Meldrum video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMInstrumentEditor-KevinMeldrumFriday20220930.mp4 slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-InstrumentEditor-KevinMeldrum.pptx |
2:45 PM EDT |
Break sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions |
3:00 PM EDT |
Test-Driven Development with Synthea - Brian Martin video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCMTestDrivenDevelopmentWithSynthea-BrianMartinFriday20220930.mp4 |
3:45 PM EDT |
Reminders Update - Alan Montgomery video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-RemindersUpdate-AlanMontgomeryFriday20220930.mp4 |
- |
4:15 PM EDT |
Break - Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with more Participant Introductions |
4:30 PM EDT |
What is the VA thinking? - Rodger Baker video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-WhatIsTheVAThinking-RogerBaker-Friday20220930.mp4 |
5:15 PM EDT |
6:00 PM EDT |
Open Discussion & Socializing if anyone would like to talk to other attendees |
Day 2 Saturday, October 1, 2022 |
Day 2 Saturday, October 1, 2022 |
EDT UT-4 |
GoToMeeting Meeting ID "Main Room" Meeting ID 530-169-149 |
ZOOM Meeting ID "Second Room" and CHAT Room1 |
9:30 AM EDT |
Update for EHS Hakeem in Jordan - Omar Ayesh video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-UpdateForEHSHakeemInJordan-OmarAyesh-Sat20221001.mp4 slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-JordanUpdateSlidesV3.0-OmarAyesh20221002.pdf |
10:15 AM EDT |
Central Regional Hospital Open Source Release: Changes Made to CPRS to Support an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital - Matt King and Joe Thurber video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-CentraRegionalHospitalOpenSourceRelease_ChangesMadeToCPRSToSupportAnInpatientPsychiatricHospital-MattKingAndJoeThurber-Sat20221001.mp4 slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/CPRSTourFINAL40thVCM20221001.pptx |
11:00 AM EDT |
Break - Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-Introductions1-Sat20221001.mp4 video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-Introductions2-Sat20221001.mp4 |
Break |
11:15 AM EDT |
Central Regional Hospital Open Source Release: Complementary Applications to Support an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital - Matt King and Joe Thurber video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/CRH-ComplementaryApplicationsToSupportAnInpatientPsychiatricHospital-MattKingAndJoeThurber.mp4 slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/CRH-40thVCM-ComplimentaryApplications20221001.pptx slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-Part2CRHEHR-ComplementaryApplications20221001.pptx |
12:00 PM EDT |
Octo - YottaDBs SQL Access to MUMPS Database - Sam Habiel video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-OctoSQLAccessToA-MUMPSDatabase-SamHabiel-Sat20221001.mp4 |
12:45 PM EDT |
Lunch - Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut - 45 MIN video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-Introductions3-Sat20221001.mp4 |
Lunch |
1:30 PM EDT |
On Your Own Or Hire It Out - Marci Keiser video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-OnYourOwnOrHireOut-MarciKeiser-Sat20221001.mp4 |
2:00 PM EDT |
IHS Update - Howard Hays video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-IHS-Update-HowardHays-Sat20221001.mp4 |
2:45 PM EDT |
Break Sponsored By Yotta DB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions |
Break |
3:00 PM EDT |
VeHU Docker Image and M Web Server - Sam Habiel video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-VEHU-DockerImageAndM-WebServer-SamHabiel-Sat20221001.mp4 |
3:45 PM EDT |
Holographic Electronic Health Record and the Belly of the FHIR - Chris Richardson video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-HolographicElectronicRecordAndTheBellyOfTheFHIR-ChrisRichardson-Sat20221001.mp4 |
4:15 PM EDT |
Break - Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions | Break |
4:30 PM EDT |
CPRS Update - William Thompson video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-CPRS-Update-TonyThompson-Sat20221001.mp4 |
5:15 PM EDT |
6:00 PM EDT |
Open Discussion and Socializing if Anyone would like to talk with Other Attendees |
Day 3 Sunday, October 2, 2022 |
Day 3 Sunday, October 2, 2022 |
EDT UT-4 Time |
GoToMeeting Meeting ID "Main Room" - |
Zoom ID "Second Room" and CHAT Room using ZOOM |
9:30 AM EDT |
VistA DevOps and System Auto Healing in Jordan - Yazeed Al-Smadi video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-VistADevOpsAndSystemAutoHealingInJordan-YazeedAl-Smadi-Sun20221002.mp4 |
10:15 AM EDT |
CPRS Enhancements - Kevin Toppenberg video - Lower Resolution (1G) - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-CPRS-Enhancements-KevinToppenberg-LowerResolution20221002.mp4 video - Higher Resolution (1.5G) - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-CPRS-Enhancements-KevinToppenberg-HighResolution20221002.mp4 |
11:15 AM EDT |
Break Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions |
11:30 AM EDT |
Best Practices for Making Changes to VistA for Non-VA Users - Dave Whitten video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-BestPracticesForMakingChangesToVistAForNon-VA-Users-DaveWhitten-Sun20221002.mp4 slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-BestPracticesSlides-DavidWhitten.ppt |
12:15 PM EDT |
eScreening - Rajashree Patel video - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-eScreening-RajashreePatel-Sun20221002.mp4 code - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/Redacted-Public-Release-eScreening-3.0.4-Aug-2020-master.zip |
12:45 PM EDT |
Lunch - Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions |
Lunch |
1:15 PM EDT |
RxNorm Update - Olivier Bodenreider video - Apologies that the Video did not come through but Olivier provided these links which cover part of what was discussed * Bodenreider O, Cornet R, Vreeman DJ. Recent developments in clinical terminologies - SNOMED CT, LOINC and RxNorm. Yearb Med Inform 2018;27(1):129-139. [download PDF] <https://data.lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/public/mor/pubs/pdf/2018-ybmi-ob.pdf> [PubMed: 30157516] <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30157516> [PubMedCentral: PMC6115234] <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/PMC6115234> * Nikiema J-N, Bodenreider O. Comparing the representation of medicinal products in RxNorm and SNOMED CT - Consequences on interoperability. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2019) 2019:(electronic proceedings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZTDH-vWUvCqBCyOPY5f97L6L7fb4HRWA/). [download PDF] <https://data.lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/public/mor/pubs/pdf/2019-icbo-jnn.pdf> * Bodenreider O, James J. The new SNOMED CT international medicinal product model. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2018) 2018:(electronic proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2285/ICBO_2018_paper_36.pdf). [download PDF] <https://data.lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/public/mor/pubs/pdf/2018-icbo-ob.pdf> |
2:00 PM EDT |
M-Gateway Update - Rob Tweed video - Apologies that the Video did not come through |
2:45 PM EDT |
Break Sponsored by YottaDB and Astronaut with Participant Introductions | ||
3:00 PM EDT |
These Few Precepts - George Timson slides - https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-TheseFewPrecepts-GeorgeTimson20221002.pptx video - Apologies that first part of the video is missing https://opensourcevista.net/NancysVistAServer/40thVistACommunityMeetingSlidesAndVideos/40thVCM-TheseFewPrecepts-GeorgeTimson-PartOfHisTalk-Sunday20221002.mp4 |
3:30PM EDT |
4:15 PM EDT |
4:45 PM EDT |
5:15 PM EDT |
Open Discussion & Socializing if anyone would like to talk to other attendees | |||