15th VistA Community Meeting
What |
When |
Jun 15, 2007 09:30 AM
to Jun 17, 2007 05:00 PM |
Where | Health Science Building,University of Washington, Seattle Washington |
Contact Name | K.S. Bhaskar |
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The goal of VistA Community Meetings is to allow those involved in
the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas
and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community
forward. VistA Community Meetings are highly interactive, hands-on,
working meetings. Please come prepared to contribute as well as to learn.
Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured. The agenda is always a draft agenda, because the attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to better meet their objectives.
VistA Community Meetings were
originally almost exclusively technical meetings. Over time, the
balance has shifted, so that although there is still a strong technical
focus, there are increasingly discussions on other aspects, including
implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and
WorldVistA organizational issues (e.g., membership).
come prepared to discuss your interest in and work with VistA. If you
wish to present material, please come prepared with your presentation,
either electronic or a poster. There will be ample opportunities to
present your work to others who are interested.
To send suggested changes
to this agenda, please e-mail K.S. Bhaskar (bhaskar at bhaskars dot
com). Also, if you have actually implemented VistA in your
organization, please contact K.S. Bhaskar as soon as possible.
Location, Facilities
The 15th VistA Community Meeting is scheduled to take place at the University of Washington, Seattle, June 15-17, 2007 (see http://www.uwmedicine.org/Global/Maps/MapUWMC.htm for a map and directions).WorldVistA expresses its gratitude to the University of Washington to make this meeting possible, and in particular to Arden Forrey and Gretchen Murphy of UW.
Parking lot S1 (on Columbia Road, behind the Health Science Center) is suggested. There is a fee to park on Friday and till noon on Saturday. From noon Saturday through Sunday, it is free.Thanks to Arden for the following: From S-1 enter the building between the F and D wings on the 2nd floor door next to E and F wings and proceed straight ahead to the T wing turning left a short distance to the elevator on the left. Proceed to the 6th Floor and upon exit go straight ahead to T-635 where registration will take place. From the main campus north of E Pacific St. use the ground (2nd) floor T wing west entrance and then follow the main T wing hall to the elevator to the 6th floor. The initial lectures on 15 June will be one floor up in T-733 but on the weekend Sat/Sun they will be in T-639 at the registration location. One breakout room (T-663) is just down the hall and the other two are one floor below in T-530, T-531 adjacent to the D wing intersection with the T wing hall.
Non-members $300. Click here for non-member registration.(Note: non-member registration includes a 1-year membership.)
WorldVistA Members $200. Members will receive an email with a link to members' registration. If you do not receive the email by May 14, contact info@worldvista.org.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, we are able to waive the registration fees for a small number of WorldVistA members for whom the cost would be a hardship. To request a waiver, please send an email to both Maury Pepper (mpepper at ieee dot org) and K.S. Bhaskar (bhaskar at bhaskars dot com) explaining how you would benefit from attending and what you could contribute to the VistA community. We will respond within 24 hours. You will be required to become a member if you are not one already.
Meeting Organization
Note: If you would like to make a presentation please contact bhaskar at bhaskars dot com as soon as possible.There are many areas of discussion for those interested in VistA, some of general interest and some specialized. To accommodate the maximum number of needs, VistA Community Meetings have some plenary sessions of general interest and multiple tracks that provide more focus. Also, about 50% of the conference time is unscheduled to facilitate collaboration and impromptu presentations and discussion.
Tracks for VistA Community Meetings are ultimately decided by the attendees, their interests and their ability to present. The following are the current tracks for the 15th VistA Community meeting (please contact bhaskar at bhaskars dot com to provide feedback and discuss the tracks):
Special track: Migrant and Community Health Centers - Coordinated by John Leo Zimmer & Matt King
The free / open source business model and Community Health Centers; free as in libré vs. free as in gratis; licensed software vs. public domain software.
Using WorldVistA EHRTM for patient care, Q+A about using WorldVistA EHR.
Implementing a CCHIT certified, high quality electronic health record system at a significantly lower cost independent of a practice management system.
WorldVistA EHR and software from the Indian Health Service - expmmerience from the Arizona and West Virginia free / open source software projects.
Getting grants.
Finding a mentor for ongoing collaboration.
- Technical - Coordinated by Dave Whitten & Larry Landis
- VistA Installation & Configuration - Coordinated by Nancy Anthracite & K.S. Bhaskar
- If you come with a laptop or PC, you will be able to leave with a free / open source VistA software stack running on it. This stack is based on Linux:
- In the event you want Linux installed on your hard drive, you
will be able to do this at the meeting. If you are running a version of Microsoft Windows, please defragment your hard drive before you come to Seattle and ensure that you have at least 5GB free. The installation process will create a new partition from the free space and configure your PC to dual boot. If you plan to do this, back up your PC before you come to Seattle - although the installation is generally safe, we don't want your PC to be the statistical exception.
- If you do not have or wish Linux installed, please bring your laptop and a 2GB USB flash drive - you will be able to run a free / open source VistA stack without touching your machine's hard drive. This option is also available to Macintosh users.
- A VistA software appliance can also be installed to the hard drive of a Windows XP PC. Please ensure you have 2GB free.
- WorldVistA Organization - Coordinated by Joseph Dal Molin & Maury Pepper
- Update to members
- Categories and benefits
- Software availability and policies
- Other tracks depending on interest.
Meeting Rooms
Meetings rooms are in the Magnuson Health Science Building. There are four rooms, T-733 (Friday, June 15) / T-639 (Saturday, June 16 & Sunday, June 17), T-531, T-635, and T-663.WiFi is expected to be available in all rooms, as are projectors and flip charts.
Silver Cloud Inn: 800.205.6940. (WorldVistA group rates are reported as no longer being available.)
Hotel Deca: 800-899-0251. (WorldVistA group rates are reported as no longer being available.)
Friday, June 15, 2007
0800 | Arrive; network; pick up registration tags (Room T-733) |
0900 |
0915 |
0930 | Overview of WorldVistA EHRTM & Summary of plans for continuing sustainability of WorldVistA EHR by Joseph Dal Molin (Room T-733) |
1030 | Break - refreshments provided |
1045 | Introductions (Room T-733) Since networking and collaboration are the most important goals of VistA Community Meetings, an important activity at VistA Community Meetings is for all attendees to introduce themselves. Take 60 seconds to tell the group:
1215 | Lunch - provided |
1330 | The VistA Toaster: Demonstrating VistA with a Software Appliance by Peter Bodtke, Ben Mehling, K.S. Bhaskar (Room T-733) |
1415 | WorldVistA 2006 Report to Members by K.S. Bhaskar (Room T-733) |
1445 | Review & Finalization of Tracks (Room T-733) |
1500 | Break - refreshments provided |
1515 | Tracks
1645 | Regroup (Room T-733)
1715 | Break for the day - dinner on your own |
Saturday, June 16
0900 | Announcements |
0915 |
1030 | Break - refreshment provided |
1045 | Tracks
1215 | Lunch - provided |
1330 |
1500 | Break - refreshment provided |
1515 | Tracks
1645 | Regroup (Room T-639)
1700 | Break for the day - dinner on your own |
Sunday, June 17
0900 | Announcements |
0915 | The Best Care Anywhere by Phillip Longman, (Room T-639)
1030 | Break - refreshments provided |
1045 | Tracks
1215 | Lunch - provided |
1330 | Tracks
1500 | Break - refreshments provided |
1515 | Closing session (Room T-639)