25th VistA Community Meeting June 4,5,6, 2012
What |
When |
Jun 04, 2012 08:00 AM
to Jun 06, 2012 05:00 PM |
Where | George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia |
Contact Name | Nancy Anthracite |
Contact Phone | (240) 793-7436 ; 240-246-0123 |
Add event to calendar |
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Co-Hosted by
GMU Center for Discovery Science and Health Informatics
"Connecting people who are serious about VistA"
Hotel Name | Address | Phone | Transportation | Notes |
Comfort Inn University Center |
11180 Fairfax Blvd. Fairfax, Virginia 22030 |
(703) 591-5900 |
Free Shuttle to GMU and Metro. CUE bus (not free) route also includes GMU campus and Metro. |
Ask for "VistA Community Meeting" rate of $79 per night. Cutoff is May 15, but group rate will be honored if room is available. Free Internet & WiFi. Free Continental Breakfast included. |
Travel from the Airports and to George Mason University from the Comfort Inn
From BWI you can take Marc or Amtrac to Union Station or you can take the Metrobus route B30 express service between Metrorail's Greenbelt Station and BWI Airport. Once you get to the Metro, you take that to Vienna. There is more information about that below. Full fare for a one-way trip on the bus is $6.00. See Metro's B30 Time table and other information here: Brochure http://www.wmata.com/bus/b30_brochure.cfm Schedule http://www.wmata.com/bus/timetables/md/B30.pdf
The Ronald Regan National Airport has a Metro station. Take the Metro to the Vienna Metro Station at the end of the Orange Line.
From the Dulles Airport, take the Washington Flyer Coach (Bus) Service to the Falls Church Metro Station. The schedule is here: http://www.washfly.com/flyer_bus_schedule.htm
It is $10 on way or $18 round trip. From the Falls Church Station, you can take the orange line to the Vienna Station.
More information about travel to and from the airports can be found here: http://www.commuterpage.com/metroconnect.htm
The Vienna Metro Station is on the Orange Line. The George Mason Shuttle is free and should run on the hour and half hour from the North side of the Vienna station in the summer which this will be. http://shuttle.gmu.edu/masontometro.html At the Vienna Metro station there are taxi stands; if no taxi, call 703-941-4000 (Fairfax Yellow Cab-North side of station) or 703-943-4444 (Red Top Cab.)
If you take the shuttle, get off at the Shenandoah (formerly Sandy Creek) Parking Deck (#41 on map) and use the map to get from there to meeting which will be held in The Hub (the old Student Union II) , which is #55 on the map.
Should you decide to drive, the Shenandoah (formerly Sandy Creek) Parking Deck (#41 in purple on the maps)is the most convenient to the meeting. The meeting is on the top floor of the "THe Hub" (formerly Student Union II where we met in 2011) , which is #55 in red on the maps. Parking is $14 a day at any of the garages on campus BUT you may need to have a special permit to be able to use the garages. Nancy Anthracite will find out closer to the time of the meeting.
If you are going to be staying in the Comfort Inn, you can take the Gold Cue Bus from the North Side of the Vienna Metro Station for $1.70 (cash) or $1.50 with a SmartTrip card. There is shuttle bus service from the hotel to the campus so you could also take the shuttle and then call the hotel for pickup from the campus, (703) 591-5900. Schedule a ride and reserve a seat on the shuttle at the Comfort Inn front desk.About the 25th VistA Community Meeting
The goal of VistA Community Meetings is for those involved in the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community forward.
Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured. The agenda is always a "living" agenda, because attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to better meet their objectives. VistA Community Meetings were originally almost exclusively technical meetings. Over time, the balance shifted, so that although there are technical presentations, there are more discussions on other aspects, including implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and community collaboration.
The last few meetings an this one are special as there will be VistA domain experts from the VA discussing their current work an plans for the future. Roger Baker, the CIO for the VA and Mike O'Neill, who works closely with OSEHRA from the VA, and folks from OSEHRA will also be speaking.
We are adding a lot of topics of particular interest to users of VistA, so we hope users and those implementing VistA will join us.
We will also be discussing the the use of VistA in Education.
Please come prepared to introduce yourself and discuss your interest in and work with VistA as talking with the other attendees at the meeting is a least half of the reason to come to the meetings. If you wish to present material, please contact nancy@worldvista.org. If you think you might decide to present something at the last minute, bring your presentation with you as things can be added to the agenda. Also, we encourage you to bring your laptop to the meeting with you. It seems like there is always someone who regrets not having brought it so they can install VistA or try the latest and greatest software while they are at the meeting.
Day 1 | June 4, 2012 |
Time | Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub (Former Student Union II) | Room 1&2, Top Floor, Student Union II |
08:00 | Arrive, network, pick up name tags | ||
09:00 | Update on OSEHRA, Seong Ki Mun and DeCosta Barrow | ||
09:45 | 1 Clinician: 1 Developer; 10days User Centered Agile Development toward VistA - Chris Casey and Tony Shannon | ||
10:15 | Break - Sponsored by |
Break | |
10:30 |
The importance of medical homes under health reform and development/evolution of ACOs and the importance of EHRs and decision support in healthcare - Peggy Maddox |
11:15 |
Introductions Part 1 - Who, Why & Success Since networking and collaboration are the most important goals of VistA Community Meetings, an important activity at VistA Community Meetings is for all attendees to introduce themselves. Each of us will take a maximum of 60 seconds to tell the group:
12:00 | Lunch - Sponsored by |
Lunch | |
13:15 | Michael O'Neill, Senior Advisor, VA Innovation Initiative (VAi2), Department of Veterans Affairs | ||
14:00 | What's new with EWD - Rob Tweed |
Update on Health Management Platform (formerly called AViVA) - Kevin Meldrum | |
14:45 | Break Sponsored by DSS |
Break | |
15:00 | TBA -Robert Wentz, President & CEO, Oroville Hospital | CPRS Update - Jawson Hawsey and Kenny Condie | |
15:45 | Education Panel - Janusz Wojtusiak (GMU), Phan Giang (GMU), Patricia Abbott (JHU), Luis Ibanez (RPI), Michael Vaughn, TBA |
17:15 |
Monday's session complete but the room will remain open for our use |
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Day 2 | June 5, 2012 |
Time | Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub (Former Student Union II) | Room 1&2, Top Floor, Student Union II |
08:00 | Buliding opens - network, collaborate, drink coffee |
08:30 | SMArt Architecture: Enabling Substitutable Medical Applications - Josh Mandel |
An introduction to Medical Domain Web Services (MDWS)- Joel Mewton | |
09:15 | VistA in American Samoa - Joe Tastrom | VistA Code Refactoring - The Ray Group | |
10:00 | Break | Break | |
10:15 | SMART Enabling VistA - George Lilly, Rob Tweed, |
11:00 | Roger Baker - CIO - To include a frank and open discussion with the community about OSEHRA | |
12:00 | Lunch Sponsored by |
Lunch | |
13:15 |
Semantic VistA - Exploring VistA's Largely Hidden, Incredibly Rich Data
Model now finally coming into its own in this new world of Big Data _ Conor Dowling |
Pharmacy Update from the VA - Russel Sperry, Craig Hunter, Gary Duff, William Whitaker, Grant Tucker, Ron Ruzbacki |
14:00 |
Panel Discussion: Impact of the VA's Pharmacy Reengineering Project on the use of VistA Pharmacy outside the VA. Ideas from the community about how to address the loss of National Drug File updates from the VA. |
15:30 | Break |
Break |
15:45 | Education and Training Offered by the VA - Becky Monroe |
16:30 |
What's new with GT.M; Creating GT.M Add-ons - K.S. Bhaskar | How to move a Drug File - Sam Habiel AND Open Source Kiosk for VistA - Jim Bell |
17:30 |
Underground RailRoad Banquet All Invited to attend. Get tickets here: https://2012urr.eventbrite.com |
Day 3 | June 6, 2012 |
Time | Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub (Former Student Union II) |
Room 1&2 AND Rooms 3-5, Top Floor, Student Union II | |
08:00 | Buliding opens - network, collaborate, drink coffee | ||
08:30 | VistA Project Management - Rick Marshall |
VA Innovations Sandbox - William Cerniuk |
09:15 | Implementation of VistA at JPNATC, All India Institute of Medical Science & Economical integration of various modules for a Developing Country - Rohit Kumar | ||
10:00 | Break | Break | |
10:30 |
Lessons Learned from Early VA/DoD Sharing - Tom Munnecke |
Reminders Update - Patrick Redington and Alan Montgomery | |
11:15 |
VA Deployment of OSEHRA VistA, Code Convergence - Luis Ibanez |
12:00 | Lunch | Lunch | |
13:15 | Increase the power of VistA with VistA Extensions (VistA Extensions Hub http://www.vxhub.org) - Fabian Lopez | ||
14:00 | Collaboration Tools- Luis Ibanez | ||
15:30 | Break | Break | |
15:45 | Using Dragon Medical Speech Recognition in VistA - Wayne Kaniewski (vendor) | TBA plus Code Convergence Hackathon - Matt McCall, Christopher Edwards, Luis Ibanez from OSEHRA hosting | |
16:30 |
Low Cost, Collaborative Decision Support Software Service EBMeDS - Syed Tirmizi | TBA plus Code Convergence Hackathon - Matt McCall, Christopher Edwards, Luis Ibanez from OSEHRA hosting | |
Legend: * time can't be changed |