24th VistA Community Meeting January 13 to 15, 2012
What |
When |
Jan 13, 2012 08:00 AM
to Jan 15, 2012 05:00 PM |
Where | UC Davis, Sacramento Campus, Sacramento, California |
Contact Name | Nancy Anthracite |
Contact Phone | (240) 793-7436 ; 240-246-0123 |
Add event to calendar |
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"The place to connect with people if you are serious about VistA"
24th VistA Community Meeting, January 13 to 15, 2012
UC Davis, Sacramento Campus, Sacramento, California
Click here to register.
Hotel Name | Address | Phone | Transportation | Notes |
Courtyard Marriott Sacramento, Midtown |
4422 Y Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 |
1.800.MARRIOTT (1-800-627-7468) |
Maps/Directions |
Ask for "VistA Community Meeting" rate of $84 per night. Cutoff date to register is January 1 and after that it will be honored if space is available. Internet and parking are complimentary. No airport transportation. It is a 2 min walk to the medical school (where the Blaisdell Medical Library is on Google maps. The Marriott has a red roof). |
Best Western PLUS Med Park Inn and Suites |
2356 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95817 |
1-916.455.4000 |
Maps/Directions |
Ask for "VistA Community Meeting" rate of $84 per night. Cutoff date to register is January 6 and after that it will be honored if space is available. Internet and parking are complimentary. No airport transportation. There is a complimentary continental breakfast. 4 min walk to Medical School (where the Blaisdell Medical Library is on Google maps). |
About the 24th VistA Community Meeting
The goal of VistA Community Meetings is for those involved in the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community forward.
Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured. The agenda is always a draft agenda, because attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to better meet their objectives. VistA Community Meetings were originally almost exclusively technical meetings. Over time, the balance shifted, so that although there are technical presentations, there are more discussions on other aspects, including implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and community collaboration.
Please come prepared to introduce yourself and discuss your interest in and work with VistA as talking with the other attendees at the meeting is a least half of the reason to come to the meetings. If you wish to present material, please contact nancy@worldvista.org. If you think you might decide to present something at the last minute, bring your presentation with you as things can be added to the agenda at the last minute. Also, we encourage you to bring your laptop to the meeting with you. It seems like there is always someone who regrets not having brought it so they can install VistA or try the latest and greatest software while they are at the meeting.Acknowledgments
We would like to express our appreciation to UC Davis, Sacramento for hosting the meeting.
Location of the Meeting
The meeting is in the Medical Education building on the Sacramento Campus of UC Davis and the rooms are on the heading of the schedule. Here is a link to a map showing where that building is located.
Map showing the Medical Education Building
Speaker | Topic |
Roger Baker, CIO, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Michael O'Neill, Senior Advisor, VA Innovation Initiative (VAi2), Department of Veterans Affairs |
Julie S. Harvey, Director, Office of Information Technology Product Development and Assessment | Panel - Discussing how the VA developers and users can collaborate effectively with the diverse open source community. |
Seong Ki Mun, Ph.D., CEO, OSEHRA |
Overview of the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA); its missions, accomplishments to date, and core functions. |
Robert Wentz, President & CEO, Oroville Hospital, California |
Keynote |
Luis Ibanez, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, OSEHRA |
Code contributions and the code repository; Developmental tools; Software certification process; architecture, Product definition and Other ongoing projects;Panel - Discussing how the VA developers and users can collaborate effectively with the diverse open source community. |
Edmund Billings, MD, CMO & Executive VP, Product, Medsphere |
Panel - Discussing how the VA developers and users can collaborate effectively with the diverse open source community;E.H.R. Market and how it relates to the VistA solution |
George Lilly, CIO, WorldVistA |
Yours if you want it for every VistA: VistACom & CCR, ePrescribing & Quality Reporting, Meaningful Use Reporting; Multiple Approacted for Clinical Decision Support in VistA: Order Checks, Reminders and Ontologies Panel |
KS Bhaskar, FIS |
Systems Administration and Operations with GTM (90 minute sessions over the course of the meeting) |
Rick Marshall, VistA Expertise Network |
VISTA Mythbusters |
Patrick Redington, Developer, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Clinical Reminders Update |
Alan Montgomery, National Support, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Clinical Reminders Update |
Matthew King, MD |
Quality Reporting & Meaningful Use Reporting, Paradigm Shift : Using VistA as a Patient Management Console Re-engineering how people see patients to make it work with VistA, Multiple Approaches for Clinical Decision Support in VistA: Order Checks, Reminders and Ontologies Panel |
Joseph Dal Molin, Chairman of the Board, WorldVistA |
VistA Open Source adopters - Adding value to your organization by becoming active community members |
Stephen Oxley, MD, CMO Central Regional Hospital, North Carolina |
Considerations for Implementing VistA Outside the VA from a CMO's Perspective |
Sam Williams, VistA Implementation Project Manager DSS |
Implementing VistA outside the VA. I wish I'd known then, what I know now from the perspective of a highly experienced Vendor VistA Implementation Project Manager. |
David Whitten, CTO WorldVistA and Central Regional Hospital, North Carolina (formerly Houston VA) |
Implementing VistA outside the VA: Things I wish I had known before that I know now; Multiple Approaches for Clinical Decision Support in VistA: Order Checks, Reminders and Ontologies Panel |
Marci Ann Keiser, MBA, PMP, VistA Project Director, Central Regional Hospital, North Carolina | Creative Project Management for Implementing VistA - no money, no staff, no problem!; Federally Refunded Informatics training opportunities and the use of VistA in that training (with Walter Dario Di Mantova). |
Michael Mims and others, VA Pharmacy Developers |
Update on 3 VA Pharmacy Projects with Q&A Session |
Rob Tweed, Developer, EWD |
The Role of EWD in Modernizing VistA plus a tutorial on the same topic (Friday and Saturday) |
Walter Dario Di Mantova Director, Workforce and Economic Development Los Rios Community College District |
Federally Refunded Informatics training opportunities and the use of VistA in that training (with Marci Keiser). |
Prof. em. Dr. med. Wolfgang Giere |
Chances for VistA in Germany, some reflections; M(UMPS) in Germany, history and highlights |
Tom Munnecke |
Khamis Sicsek, EHS, Jordon |
Tamriq Hamkari, EHS, Jordon |
Kevin Meldrum and Colleagues, Dept. of Veterans Affairs |
AvivA |
George Timson |
MSC Fileman (N.B. - Universal adoption may be just around the corner! - NEA) |
Andrew (Drew) J. Kosmowski, MD, FS, FACEP COL, MC, USA - Physician Advisor, Health Affairs, ITAM-MOD, USF-I/DCG(A&T) | Preparing for WorldVistA EHR in Iraq (Saturday afternoon) |
Howard Hays, MD, CIO IHS |
TBA (Friday) |
Nancy Anthracite, MD, WorldVistA |
Panel - Discussing how the VA developers and users can collaborate effectively with the diverse open source community. |
Robert Missroon, Jr., VP Finance, CFO, DSS Inc. |
Panel - Discussing how the VA developers and users can collaborate effectively with the diverse open source community. |
Wayne Kaniewski, MD, Twin Cities Consulting |
Dragon Medical Dictate Used in CPRS (Vendor) |
Joseph Tastrom, Health IT Consultant |
Implementation of VistA in American Samoa |
Fabian Lopez, DSS Inc. |
Community Collaboration on the Development of VistA Extensions: The VistA Extensions Hub Brief Description: The VistA Extensions Hub is a place where VistA users will be able to find clinical, administrative and technical training, information about components to enhance any VistA implementation and tools to interact with the rest of the community. VistA Extensions developers will have a place where they can publish their work, interact with the community, enhance any VistA implementation, track issues and gather new requirements. This site will complement the OSEHRA efforts and other VistA Community |
Time | Room 1222 (for 120) 07:00 - 11:00 Jan 13 All day Jan 14 and Jan 15 |
Room 3202 |
Room 3204 | Room 3205 |
Day 1 | Friday, January 13, 2012 |
07:30 | Arrive, network, pick up name tags | NETWORKING | NETWORKING | NETWORKING | |
8:00 |
Overview of OSEHRA; its missions, accomplishments to date, and core functions - Seong Ki Mun |
no session
no session | no session | |
8:45 | Michael O'Neill, Senior Advisor, VA Innovation Initiative (VAi2), Department of Veterans Affairs |
no session
no session | no session | |
9:15 |
Special Presentation - Robert Wentz, CEO Oroville Hospital |
no session |
no session | no session | |
9:20 |
Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. |
Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | |
9:30 | Panel on Open Source Collaboration for Development - Julie Harvey, Robert Missroon, Edmund Billings, Nancy Anthracite, Howard Hays, Luis Ibanez |
no session |
no session |
no session |
11:00 |
Vacate the main room as there will be classes using it |
EWD: propelling VistA into the future - Rob Tweed | Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
12:00 |
Lunch Sponsored by DSS, Inc. |
Lunch Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | Lunch Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | Lunch Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | |
13:15 | -------------------->>>> |
E.H.R. Market and how it relates to the VistA solution - Edmund Billings |
Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
14:00 | -------------------->>>> | VistA Mythbusters Rick Marshall |
Informal Discussion regarding IHS and Community Meaningful Use Software Innovations and possible cross-pollination - Howard Hays and others |
Integrating EWD with VistA: a Hands-on Workshop - Rob Tweed |
14:45 | Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. |
Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | Break Sponsored by DSS, Inc. | |
15:00 | -------------------->>>> | Federally Refunded Informatics training opportunities and the use of VistA in that training - Walter Dario Di Mantova and Marci Keiser * |
AViVA : informal update and discussion - Kevin Meldrum and Colleagues (tentative) | Integrating EWD with VistA: a Hands-on Workshop - Rob Tweed |
15:45 | -------------------->>>> |
VistA Concepts - Conor Dowling |
I |
16:35 |
-------------------->>>> | Break | BREAK |
16:45 | -------------------->>>> | Discussion Group: What should be in the Core of VistA? - Matthew McCall and Luis Ibanez |
Day 2 | Saturday, January 14, 2012 |
Time | Room 1222 | Room 3202 | Room 3204 | Room 3205 | |
08:00 |
Arrive and network |
09:00 | Keynote: Roger Baker - VA CIO * |
no session | no session |
no session |
10:15 | Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M
Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M | Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M | Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M | |
10:30 | Preparing for WorldVistA EHR in Iraq - Drew Kosmowski | no session |
Reminders Update - Patrick Redington & Alan Montgomery * |
Integrating EWD with VistA: a Hands-on Workshop - Rob Tweed |
11:15 | Yours if you want it and compatible with every VistA! Demonstration of VistACom and Continuity of Care Record (CCR) - George Lilly |
no session |
Integrating EWD with VistA: a Hands-on Workshop - Rob Tweed |
12:00 | Lunch Sponsored by FIS GT.M |
Lunch Sponsored by FIS GT.M | Lunch Sponsored by FIS GT.M | Lunch Sponsored by FIS GT.M | |
13:15 | Paradigm Shift : Using VistA as a Patient Management Console ; Re-engineering how people see patients to make it work with VistA - Matt King | no session |
Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
14:00 |
Implementing VistA outside the VA: I wish I'd known then, what I know now from the perspective of a highly experienced Vendor VistA Implementation Project Manager - Sam Williams | no session |
Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
14:45 |
Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M | Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M | Break Sponsored by FIS GT.M | |
15:00 | OSEHRA - Support of Development and Evaluation of Software - Luis Ibanez |
Creative Project Management for Implementing VistA or any EHR (From a CMO and a Project Manager) - Stephen Oxley and Marci Keiser | Integrating EWD with VistA: a Hands-on Workshop - Rob Tweed |
15:45 | Implementation of VistA in American Samoa - Joseph Tastrom | Implementing VistA outside the VA: Things I wish I had known before that I know now - David Whitten | |||
16:30 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
16:45 | Chances for VistA in Germany, some reflections - Wolfgang Giere |
Dragon Medical Dictate Used in CPRS (Vendor) - Wayne Kaniewski | |||
Day 3 | Sunday, 15 January, 2012 |
Time | Room 1222 | Room 3202 | Room 3204 | Room 3205 | |
08:00 |
Arrive and Network |
09:00 | MSC Fileman - George Timson |
no session |
Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
09:45 | Yours if you want it and compatible with every VistA! Demonstration of Quality Reporting Package and e-Prescribing - George Lilly |
no session |
Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
10:30 | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital |
Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | |
10:45 | Quality Reporting and Meaningful Use Reporting - Matt King | Hands on session using the OSEHRA virtual machine for developers. - Luis Ibanez |
11:30 |
I Had a Dream: Suggestions for VistA Extensions - Wolfgang Giere |
no session |
Community Collaboration on the Development of VistA Extensions: The VistA Extensions Hub - Fabian Lopez | ||
12:15 | Lunch Sponsored by Oroville Hospital |
Lunch Sponsored by Oroville Hospital | Lunch Sponsored by Oroville Hospital | Lunch Sponsored by Oroville Hospital | |
13:30 | VistA in American Samoa - Joe Tastrom | no session |
14:15 |
Presentations on Multiple Approaches for Clinical Decision Support in VistA: Order Checks, Reminders, and Ontologies and other methods of categorizing information. - David Whitten, Matt King & George Lilly |
Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
15:00 | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | Break Sponsored By Oroville Hospital | |
15:15 |
Panel: Experiences with using VistA's Order Checks, Reminders, Ontologies, and other methods of categorizing information. This panel will be focused on case studies, practical experiences and solutions - Matt King, David Whitten & George Lilly | Systems Administration with GT.M - KS Bhaskar |
16:00 |
Status of the WorldVistA EHR - EWD Virtual Machine with Data for developers- Rob Tweed, David Wicksell, George Lilly |
Legend: * time can't be changed |