31st VistA Community Meeting
What |
When |
Jun 01, 2015 08:00 AM
to Jun 03, 2015 05:00 PM |
Where | George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia |
Contact Name | Nancy Anthracite |
Contact Phone | (240) 793-7436 ; 240-246-0123 |
Add event to calendar |
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Co-Hosted by
GMU Center for Discovery Science and Health Informatics
"Connecting the VistA Community"
Hotel Name | Address | Phone | Transportation | Notes |
Comfort Inn University Center |
11180 Fairfax Blvd. Fairfax, Virginia 22030 |
(703) 591-5900 |
Free Shuttle to GMU and Metro. CUE bus (not free) route also includes GMU campus and Metro. |
Ask for "VistA Community Meeting - GMU" rate of $89 per night. Cutoff is May 15, but group rate will be honored if room is available. Free Internet & WiFi. Free Continental Breakfast included. For now call the hotel and ask for the VistA Community Meeting rate. During business hours, if you have problems registering, ask to speak with Elijah Hammonds. |
Travel from the Airports and to George Mason University from the Comfort Inn
From BWI: you can take Marc or Amtrac to Union Station or you can take the Metrobus route B30 express service between Metrorail's Greenbelt Station and BWI Airport. Once you get to the Metro, you take that to Vienna. There is more information about that below. Full fare for a one-way trip on the bus is $6.00. See Metro's B30 Time table and other information here: Brochure and Schedule http://www.wmata.com/bus/timetables/md/b30.pdf
From Ronald Regan/Washington National Airport: The Ronald Regan National Airport has a Metro station. Take the Metro to the Vienna Metro Station at the end of the Orange Line.
From Dulles Airport, take the Washington Flyer Coach (Bus) Service to the Falls Church Metro Station. It is $10 on way or $18 round trip. From the Falls Church Station, you can take the orange line to the Vienna Station. The schedule is here: http://www.washfly.com/flyer_bus_schedule.htm
More information about travel to and from the airports can be found here: http://www.commuterpage.com/metroconnect.htm
The Vienna Metro Station is on the Orange Line. At the Vienna Metro station there are taxi stands; if no taxi, call 703-883-0199 (Fairfax Yellow Cab-North side of station) or 703-943-4444 (Red Top Cab.) There is also the Gold 2 Cue bus that stops on the Germantown Road side of the parking lot for Comfort Inn. The schedule for that is here: http://www.fairfaxva.gov/government/public-works/transportation-division/cue-bus/gold-2-schedule. This same bus goes to George Mason University and stops at Shenandoah River`Parking Deck, #42 on the map, which is about a 1/4 mile walk to the Hub, which is where the meeting is held, along Chesapeake River Lane.
Use the map to get from there to meeting which will be held in The Hub (the old Student Union II) , which is #56 on the map.
Driving: Should you decide to drive, the Shenandoah (formerly Sandy Creek) Parking Deck (#43 in purple on the maps) is the most convenient to the meeting. The meeting is on the top floor of the "The Hub" (formerly Student Union II where we met in 2011) , which is #56 in red on the maps. Parking is $14 a day at any of the garages on campus BUT you may need to have a special permit to be able to use some of those garages. However, the Shenandoah Parking Deck has guest parking on the lower lever. The address of The Hub is 10423 Rivianna River Lane, Fairfax VA 22030 on Google Maps. The entrance to the Shenandoah Parking Deck is the first driveway on the left off of Sandy Creek Way, which is a short road off of Patriot Circle and it is behind The Hub. From the garage, cross Sandy Creek Way and follow the footpath over the stream to the back of The Hub. Take the back entrance into the the bottom floor of The Hub. Take the elevator or the wide staircase up to the top floor which is the third floor to get to the meeting. There is an information desk in the lobby of The Hub. The telephone number for it is 703-993-2859 in case you get lost on the way.
Hotel Shuttle to GMU: If you are going to be staying in the Comfort Inn, you can take the Gold Cue 2 Bus from the North Side of the Vienna Metro Station for $1.80 (cash) or $1.60 with a SmartTrip card. There is shuttle bus service from the hotel to the campus so you could also take the shuttle and then call the hotel for pickup from the campus, (703) 591-5900. Schedule a ride and reserve a seat on the shuttle at the Comfort Inn front desk. On the weekends, the shuttle does not run so we will have to organize transportation among ourselves to the training meeting (which will likely not be difficult) or take the bus that stops near the Hotel on the Germantown Road between the Hotel and the super market and stops on the campus. That is the Gold 2 Cue Bus and information about that route is here:http://www.nextbus.com/predictor/publicMap.shtml?a=fairfax&r=gold2 It stops at the Shenandoah River Parking Deck which is #42 on the campus map and there is about a 1/4 mile walk along Chesapeake River Lane to the Hub building where the meeting is, which is # 56 on the campus map.
About the VistA Community Meeting
The goal of VistA Community Meetings is for those involved in the VistA Community to network & collaborate, i.e., to share ideas and work, with the objective of moving VistA & the VistA community forward.
Compared to most meetings, VistA Community Meetings are relatively unstructured. The agenda is always a "living" agenda, because attendees are free to change it – even during the meeting – in order to better meet their objectives. VistA Community Meetings were originally almost exclusively technical meetings. Over time, the balance shifted, so that although there are technical presentations, there are more discussions on other aspects, including implementation, support, demonstration, education, training, and community collaboration.
SpeakersSpeaker |
Topic |
Roger Baker, Former VA CIO |
KS Bhaskar, FIS, Development Director | GT.M Update Setting Up a VistA for Education Virtual Machine |
Paul Tibbits, MD, CIO Architecture, Strategy, and Design, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) |
Paul Tibbits will deliver Stephen Warren's presentation (Steph is acting CIO for the VA) on Monday at 3:15PM He will also speak on his own behalf on Tuesday at 3:00 PM |
Chris Rhodes, DVA |
VistA Code Intake |
Jason Hawsey, CPRS Developer, Department of Veterans Affairs |
CPRS Update |
Kenny Condie, CPRS Project Manager Department of Veterans Affairs |
CPRS Update |
Keith Magoon, Immunization Project Manager, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Immunization project management and project update (*June 1 or 3) |
Wayne Kaniewski,Twin Cities EMR |
Dragon Medical in VistA: A Perfect Duo (vendor) |
Noam Arzt, PhD, HLN Consulting | ICE and CAT, An Open Source Solution for Immunization Forecasting |
Michael Suralik, HLN | Ice and CAT, An Open Source Solution for Immunization Forecasting |
Andre Quina, Mitre Corporation |
Crucible: A FHIR Testing Tool |
Douglas Martin, Regenstrief Inst. | CareWeb Framework Update |
Patrick Redington. Reminders Developer, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Reminders Update |
Alan Montgomery, National Reminders Support, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Reminders Update |
Rob Silverman, PharmD Program Manager, PBM Clinical Informatics, VA |
Immunization Project Update and Default Encounter Location - 2 PM Monday |
Stephen Oxley, MD, CMO, Central Regional Hospital | Thoughts on VistA's Competitive Status Outside the VA Using Consults to Enhance Radiology Results Reporting Innovations at CRH: Solving real clinical problems using VistA technology |
Sidney Tarason, CEO / Lead Programmer, Astute Semantics | VistA Modernization (vendor) |
Rick Marshall, VistA Expertise Network |
Forum Fileman |
Sunil Kumar Arora, HealthSevak |
CPRS Enhanced with an Open Source Spell Checker |
Olivier Bodenreider, MD PhD, Chief, Cognitive Science Branch, National Library of Medicine | RxNorm - * Before Lunch Tuesday |
Donna Ellis, Product Development, Project Manager Cloud Infrastructure and Administrative Services |
Update on Pharmacy Reengineering |
Wasim Naffar, Technical Team Leader, EHS. Jordan |
HL7 Framework |
Murat Khemesh, Senior VistA Administrator, EHS, Jordan |
HL7 Framework |
Matthew King, Central Regional Hospital |
Innovations at CRH: Solving real clinical problems using VistA technology |
Mike Henderson, FHL7,Director, Open Source Product Management, OSEHRA |
Update on OSEHRA Product Management * Tuesday or Wednesday |
Dave Whitten, CTO WorldVistA & Central Regional Hospital VistA Manager | HL7 & How to edit Vistapedia.net |
Eddie Brio, DSS |
Three aspects of Nurturing VistA Evolution Acting as Catalyzer to engage VistA Community members in VistA Worldwide projects |
Lee Miller, DSS |
Three aspects of Nurturing VistA Evolution Enhancing FOIA VistA to create an affordable, proven and viable option for VistA outside of the VA. Code contributions to OSEHRA VistA and code alignment |
Fabian Lopez, DSS |
Three aspects of Nurturing VistA Evolution Nurturing community collaboration, supporting VistA Community and providing a Learning Management Systems to community members |
Cyntiia Bias, eHMP Product Manager, VA | eHMP |
Keith Michael, dHMP Product Manager, VA |
eHMP |
Shane McNamee M.D., Director, Development Section, Health Solutions Management OIA, VHA |
eHMP |
Ross Fletcher, Chief of Staff, Washington DC VA Medical Center |
Updates on various topics from mobile technology to research using the data from VistA |
Rob Tweed, M Gateway |
Native Mobile VistA Applications |
Steve Thornton, PMP, PMI-ACP, CUA, Chief Technology Officer, Director, OIT Division of Information Technology, Indian Health Service |
IHS Update |
Dr. P.J. Maddox, Professor and Chair Department of Health Admin. and Policy, George Mason University |
Health Policy Update |
Sam Habiel, Director of Technology, VistA Expertise Network |
Latte |
Joseph Dal Molin, Chairman, WorldVistA |
WorldVistA Update |
Dan Cramer and Lexicon Team Members, DVA |
Lexicon Update |
Kevin Toppenberg, Family Physician |
CPRS Enhancements |
Day 1 | Monday, June 1, 2015 |
Time | Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub (Former Student Union II) |
Room 4 & 5, Top Floor, The Hub |
Room 1 & 2 Top Floor, The Hub |
08:00 | Introductions - Who, Why & Success Since networking and collaboration are the most important goals of VistA Community Meetings, an important activity at VistA Community Meetings s for all attendees to introduce themselves. Each of us will take a maximum of 60 seconds to tell the group. This is also an opportunity to ask for a session to be added that would help meet your needs:
09:30 | Health Policy Update - Peggy Maddox | ||
10:15 | Break - Sponsored By FIS-GT.M |
Break | |
10:30 |
Thoughts on VistA's Competitive Status Outside the VA - Steve Oxley |
11:15 |
CPRS Enhanced with an Open Source Spell Checker EHR for the masses -- An Indian perspective -Sunil Arora |
12:15 | Lunch - Sponsored by FIS-GT.M |
Lunch | |
13:15 | Software Intake DVA - Chris Rhodes |
14:00 | Immunization Update and Default Encounter Location - Rob Silverman |
15:00 |
Break - Sponsored by FIS-GT.M |
Break | |
15:15 | Paul Tibbits speaking for Stephen Warren, VA CIO |
16:00 |
GTM Update - KS Bhaskar |
16:45 |
Vistapedia - Dave Whitten |
Day 2 | Tuesday, June 2, 2015 | ||
Time |
Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub (Former Student Union II) |
. Room 4 &5 - The Hub | |
8:00 |
8:15 |
HL7 Framework - Wassim Naffar and Murat Kamesh |
9:00 |
Three aspects of Nurturing VistA Evolution - Eddie Brio, Fabian Lopez, Lee Miller | Dragon Medical in VistA: A Perfect Duo (vendor) | |
9:45 |
Break - Sponsored by DSS |
Break |
10:00 |
Updates on various topics from mobile technology to research using the data from VistA - Ross Fletcher |
More MUMPS - Introduction to M21, another MUMPS implementation - Sam Habiel |
10:45 |
RxNorm - Olivier Bodenreider | WorldVistA Update - Joseph Dal Molin |
11:30 | Innovations at CRH: Solving real clinical problems using VistA technology - Matt King |
Latte & RxNorm - Sam Habiel | |
12:15 |
Lunch - Sponsored by DSS |
Lunch | |
13:15 |
eHMP - Cynthia Bias, Keith Michael & Shane McNamee |
14:45 |
Break - Sponsored by DSS |
Break |
15:00 | Paul Tibbits |
15:45 |
ICE and CAT Open Source Immunization Forecasting - Michael Suralik | (Reminders moved because of network issues) |
Reminders Update - Patrick Redington and Alan Montgomery |
16:30 |
Crucible: A FHIR Testing Tool - Andre Quina (moved because of network issues) |
Day 3 | Wednesday, June 3, 2015 |
Time | Ballroom, Top Floor, The Hub (Former Student Union II) |
Room 4 & 5 - The Hub | |
08:30 | IHS Update - Steve Thornton |
09:15 | eHMP Technical Discussion - Christopher Edwards |
Immunization Project Management and Update - Keith Magoon (moved because of network problems) |
10:00 |
Break |
Break |
10:15 |
Reflections from a former VA CIO - Roger Baker | Eclipse Editor for VistA Development - Sam Habiel |
11:00 |
Careweb Framework Update - Doug Martin |
11:45 |
Lunch - Sponsored by |
Lunch | |
13:00 | CPRS/VistA Enhancements - Kevin Toppenberg |
Lexicon Update - Dan Cramer, et al |
13:45 | OSEHRA Product Management Update - Mike Henderson |
CPRS Update - Jason Hawsey |
14:30 |
Break |
Break | |
15:15 |
Native Mobile VistA Applications - Rob Tweed (moved because of network problems) | ||
16:00 |
HL7 - Dave Whitten |
Setting Up a VistA for Education Virtual Machine - KS Bhaskar followed by VistA for Education remote and local session. (moved because of network problems) | |
Legend: * time constraints |